Previous incidents
SMTP Connections
Resolved Feb 07 at 12:00am GMT
We are looking into reports of connectivity issues with for sending email through the SMTP server. We apologise for any inconvenience caused whilst we continue to investigate.
Update - this has now been resolved but we continue to monitor.
eXtend control panel load
Resolved Jan 29 at 10:36am GMT
We are aware of some issues with the page load within the eXtend hosting control panel. Our platform team are looking into this as a high priority and we hope to have this resolved ASAP.
SMTP Connections
Resolved Jan 02 at 04:45pm GMT
Following the update to our new mail platform we are aware of an issue with attempts to connect to port 587 using insecure connections failing. To ensure that you are able to connect please check to make sure you are using the following for the outgoing/SMTP settings:
Outgoing Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server Port: 587
Outgoing Mail Server SSL: STARTTLS
Outgoing Authentication Type: Password
For connections when sending TLS 1.2 will be required in order to make a sec...
Emergency nameserver maintenance
Resolved Dec 16 at 11:49am GMT
We are currently performing emergency nameserver maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. We will provide an update once the maintenance has been completed. Thank you for your patience.